Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the Election, the day after and other normal random things

I am so sad for our country, the world we live in. Not because Pres. Obama was re-elected and yes that disappoints me, but the reactions over the past 24 hours. Sad, because I did not think before I typed words and what I said came across the wrong way. I deleted it but was so worried about it, I thought a friend was calling me out on it ( and I realize he wasn't I just get that worried about what people think about me). So anyway,  I love that I have so many friends who speak openly about their faith. I am sad that so many were almost hurtful in sharing their views today.  I really did not expect to read all that I did, not did I expect to participate.Just because someone voted differently than you does not mean they share all the views and values of the other candidate. There was a lot of judging going around today. Social networking was a not a safe, happy place.

But as much I am sad with our leadership, I am excited that we can pray and pray hard for our leadership. We can get on our knees and share how we feel with our Creator who knew what this election held way before we were even born and that makes me feel better.

Next topic,

 Please tell your kids when they exclude playmates intentionally in front of them, it hurts them and is not kind and it puts this momma in a not so happy place where she does not know what to do with those feelings. I have also learning, being excluded as an adult feels the same way even if you are being paranoid and it may not even be accurate.

 Still having issues with comparing myself to others. This time it has to do with mommahood. I'm having such a hard time with the fact that I am really not good at coordinating clothes for little girls. If you are laughing, stop. Yep, I can do jeans and sweaters or outfits that already come together, but that's about it. I see the girls at church and school and they are dolled up to a tee. I am so very jealous. The really cute clothes that come from special places, the hair bows that match the socks!...Ugh I want my girl to experience that. Then I read what I just typed and realize how incredibly shallow I sound. I really do not want her growing up and wondering why her momma did not do better. I sure did not read parenting books about feelings like this.

Last point,

Our Season of giving. We are really focusing on giving this year. Sweet girl has helped me buys shoebox gifts and we have started buying extra when we are at Publix. Next week we are going to buy extra diapers and wipes for a local community and also do some baking and take it to the local fire station. But we are always looking for new ideas. Please let me know if you do things like this as well!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs, Amy. You are not shallow at all. Why not strike up a conversation with one of those mommas with a little girl dressed to the nines and be honest with her about how that's not one of your talents. I bet she'd be THRILLED to help you get Lynn Marie all decked out!
